2 Major Questions We Ask Before Your Haircut Appointment
Now that the nation is opening up again for the first time in 3 months, many of you are in dire need of a professional haircut. Either you tried cutting your own hair, your partner did it for you, or you dared not touch it. And although it has been very fun to see all the different hairstyles our customers come in with such as their woeful hair mistakes after playing around with the clippers or the considerable length they grew after not being able to keep up with their hair appointments for an extended period of time, I do recommend leaving your hair to the professionals.
Since the lockdown has started to lift, I know many of you may want nothing more than to go back to your original hairstyle before the pandemic hit and lockdown was enforced, forcing you to grow out your hair to a longer than comfortable length, many more of you have embraced some of the new hairstyles (maybe longer or shorter) that this lockdown has forced on you. So if you're looking to try out a new hairstyle (for returning customers) or if you're a first time customer, we just want to ask a couple of questions to get to know our customers' wants and needs for their hairstyling and haircut preferences. First: do you use styling products and how often do you use them. Second: How short would you like your hair to be? I know all the options may be overwhelming, but we at Eddie's Edition are here for you and will do what we can to satisfy all your haircutting and styling needs.
Do You Use Styling Products?
First and foremost, do you use styling products in your hair or do you like that au naturale look? Secondly, if you do use styling products, how often do you use these products? For example, some styling products that you might be using are gel, mousse, clay, pomade, paste, wax, and the list goes on.
Based on your lifestyle, do you use hair products often? When you bring in photos or examples of the hairstyle you're looking for, are you willing to use the products needed to keep that hairstyle everyday? Do you want to reduce the number of hair products you're currently using and want something that requires less maintenance?
So before we go ahead with the cutting and styling, we need to know what haircut would best match your features based on your lifestyle and hair product preferences. This is so if a client wants a haircut that needs to be regularly styled and they aren't willing to style it then we need to suggest a similar hairstyle that will work without the need for styling products. Once we figure out whether you use styling products and how much you use, we need to know how short you'd like your hair to be.
How Short Would You Like?
Now that we know what types of hair products you regularly use, how often you use them, and whether you would like to keep using them, or if you would like to change to a hairstyle that's lower maintenance, we need to know how short or long you'd like your hair to be.
We tackle this question in two parts: top and sides. Even though some of you may already know your clipper numbers, this information might not always be the most helpful or accurate to use for us professionals. So the best way to go about it would be to show us pictures of your ideal hair length (either your previous hairstyle or a new style that you'd like to try) or if you don't have a picture, show us how short/long you'd like your hair to be. Once we can find a length you're comfortable with, the rest of the process is streamlined.
This is an important question we like to address at the beginning of the consultation because the best case scenario if the hair is too long, we would be able to cut more, but since we spent a majority of our time cutting your hair to the length we had previously agreed upon, it'll take longer to fix and thus cause us to rush through the rest of the appointment.
Worst case scenario would be that the hair length is too short and there would be nothing else we would be able to do except wait for your hair to grow out once more.
So let the hair professionals know exactly what length you're going for, show them pictures, describe it for them and they'll be able to do the rest.
Remember, communication is key for a great hair appointment.
Written by Eddie's Edition